The Northern Passage

The Northern Passage
Norfolk, VA to Boston, MA
April 15th, 2023 to April 19th, 2023
450nm / 5 Days
We will depart Norfolk, VA in the late afternoon in order to navigate through the busy Chesapeake Bay Tunnel channel during daylight hours. Once free of the mouth of the Chesapeake we will sail the rhumbline (direct course) towards the mouth of Buzzards Bay at the tip of Cuttyhunk Island. This course will take us up to 60 nautical miles offshore as we cross the underwater “Canyons” and most likely the bulk of the New York fishing fleet. After 2 days offshore, we will pass abeam of Block Island and within another 6 hours we should see the Elizabethan islands as the sun rises over our starboard side.
We will sail up Buzzards Bay until we reach the Cape Cod canal, making sure to time our canal transit properly. Currents in the Cape Cod Canal can reach up to 3 knots!
After motoring through the approximately 9 mile canal we will sail up the Massachusetts coast passing Plymouth and Scituate to port and Cape Cod to starboard. The final hurdle is to safely navigate through the Nantasket channel and “The Narrows” as we enter Boston Harbor.
Norfolk Departure
We will be departing from Norfolk, VA navigating over the Chesapeake Bay tunnel and out of the mouth of the bay.
Rest Stop in Cuttyhunk, MA
We will make a brief stop in Cuttyhunk harbor to get a proper night's sleep before pushing on.
Navigate the Cape Cod Canal
We will motor through the Cape Cod Canal making sure to time the tide correctly. Tidal currents in the canal run up to 3 knots.
350 Nautical Mile Coastal/Offshore Passage
After departing the Chesapeake Bay we will sail the rhumbline to the entrance of Buzzards Bay and Cuttyhunk Island, sailing up to 60nm offshore.
Sailing up Buzzards Bay
We will sail the length of Buzzards Bay navigating tidal currents and commercial traffic.
Arrival into Boston, MA
We will arrive into Boston via the Nantasket Roads channel and "The Narrows".
Reserve a Berth
Reserve a berth with a fully refundable deposit now! Once we receive your deposit we will reach out with further information.
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